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In-app user acquisition experience

UI and Visual Design

Iris Finance is an app that brings the same spirit of social sharing and community collaboration found in outlets like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to the investment world. But something was missing. Iris wanted to create an in-app feature for users to test and sharpen their trading skills—something like Fantasy Football but for stock trading.


Digging deep into UX/UI


Familiar interactions, a simplified interface, and communicating information when the users need it most are vital components to the game’s design. 

Sharpening your skills while playing​


The Free to Play experience is the training ground for expert trading. Users can bet on who to invest in without the risk—all while honing their skills. It’s not just a game but a learning tool into the world of trading.


Encouraging interaction


Free to Play utilizes gamification to create challenges and competition that encourage user interaction. Through trophies and leaderboard rankings, users are motivated to play.

Acquiring users and social promotion


Users can post to their social feeds encouraging others to play or tout their awards and successes. Not only does this increase the competition, but it invites new users to the app.

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